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Homeopathic Principles: The basic of Homeopathic Practice

· Online homeopathy,homeopathy,homeopathy doctors,Health

Homeopathy is one of the most common and famous medical systems which has been practiced across the globe. It is based on the belief that the body can cure itself and the remedies are designed with natural substances. The homeopathy treatment was developed in the late 1700s in Germany. The experts and researchers believe that a small amount of natural substances which includes, the mineral can stimulate the healing process. The remedy is safe and doesn’t induce any side-effects on the patient and therefore are the safest treatment for newborn, pregnant women and people suffering from chronic diseases. The homeopathic experts treat their patients and draft the best possible treatment based on the basic principles of the homeopathy


Every science or research has certain fundamental principles which guide the whole system. Homeopathy as a science of medical treatment has certain philosophies the most common ones are

  • Law of similar

The homeopathic system of medicine follows like cures like principle which means the controlled amount of remedy which could help cure the disease in a patient should have the tendency to cause the same symptoms in a healthy person.

  • The Totality of Symptoms

Homeopathic treatment could be different for an individual’s suffering from the same disease or symptoms. Since there are high chances both the individual diagnosed with the same disease to have different immunity levels and different physical symptoms; they must not be treated with the same medicines. The homeopathic expert tries to connect with the patient in order to learn about their emotional and mental state and accordingly drafts the medicine. Moreover, there are cases in which the same patient is not provided with the previous medicines as the symptoms and condition might be different from the previous case.

  • Law of minimum

The effect of homeopathic medicine doesn’t only depend on the accuracy of remedies alone but the proper size of the dose also plays an important role. There are hundreds of remedies available for the same medicine and therefore the experts have to look for the right one as per the symptoms and have to decide on the proper dose as well. Under this principle, the homeopathic doctors are allowed to provide patients with minute doses. The dose must be minimal enough to produce the least possible excitation of the vital forces yet sufficient enough to effect the necessary changes.

Even while providing online homeopathy treatment the expert’s holistic nature of homeopathy and indulge the patient in the conversation so that they can analyze the physical, spiritual and emotional condition and behavior of the patient to design the most effective set of medicines. All in all, the homeopathic medicines are provided on the basis of an individual’s symptoms and level of a health condition to stimulate the body’s healing ability.

Considering the increased demands for homeopathic treatment number of online Homeopathic clinic India comes into practice. The online consultancy provides a plethora of benefits to the patients as it makes the medical treatment convenient, cost-effective, saves time and risk of traveling in critical medical condition.